Watch every step of your submission
with real-time status updates
from the time your cards arrive
through to completion.
Watch every step of your submission
with real-time status updates
from the time your cards arrive
through to completion.
The unique DGA REPORT CARD is a first in
the industry, providing subgrades and
grader’s notes at NO EXTRA CHARGE.
The reason for your card’s grade will no
longer be a mystery.
You have many choices when getting your
cards graded. DGA considers it a privilege
to grade your cards, unlike other
companies who treat you as if they are
doing you a favor. THE CUSTOMER will
always be treated right.
DGA offers creative label designs and
border options with your CHOICE of
material and color matching options.
We offer
If we are late, you will be refunded 50%
of the submission cost!
DGA offers 3 levels of service based on
turnaround time, not the value of the card.
$17/card for 25 CALENDAR Days
$30/card for 10 CALENDAR Days
$10/card PC Only for 15 CALENDAR Days
*Bulk pricing available (Contact DGA)
DGA’s goal is to offer solutions to the problems you are experiencing with the other grading companies. Like you, we have been frustrated by backlogs, plain-looking labels, and a lack of transparency. Instead of expecting things to change, we decided to create the change.
DGA values two things above everything; the customer and our reputation. We will do everything in our power to make sure you are satisfied with our service. The success of our business is reliant on your satisfaction and positive feedback within the hobby.
Process transparency, low prices, guaranteed turnaround times and creative labels are just the beginning. DGA plans to set the standard in every facet of the grading process, becoming the grading company you always envisioned.